Sunday, December 29, 2019

King Leopolds Ghost Essay - 727 Words

Book Review of King Leopolds Ghost, by Adam Hochschild nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What some have considered to be the first international scandal of the modern era took place in the Congo from 1890 until 1910. King Leopold II of Belgium was at the head of this so-called scandal. Although Europe and the rest of the world seemed to have forgotten the victims of these crimes, there is a considerable amount of material to use when attempting to recreate the horror that took place in Leopolds Congo. This is exactly what Adam Hochschild is attempting to do by writing this book. By using the written words of mostly Europeans and Americans, which creates a distorted view of history, he wants to show that the Holocaust type event†¦show more content†¦By acting as the director and guiding his actors and stagehands, Leopold finds the angle he needs and that is pretending to engage in a philanthropy movement in the quot;dark continent.quot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Chapter 9, quot;Meeting Mr. Kurtz,quot; Hochschild provides a good description of the novel, Heart of Darkness, and in the process enlightens the reader about the true background and meaning to Joseph Conrads novel. Early in the book, Hochschild mentions the novel and how it has been studied for Freudian overtones, mystic echoes, and its inward vision. According to him, the book is more fact than fiction because there are many similarities between the book and Conrads very own travels into the Congo. In fact, Hochschild calls the narrator of Heart of Darkness, Marlow, Conrads alter ego. Probably the biggest example of how the book is based on Conrads own travels is the fact that the stories villain, Mr. Kurtz, is clearly inspired by a number of real people. These include George Antoine Klein, Major Edmund Barttelot, and Captain Leon Rom, who probably is the real-life basis for Kurtzs most important signal, a collection of African heads around his house. Heart of Darkness is given a completely new spin because of Hochschilds interpretation. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hochschild has a tendency to be too descriptive. There are some parts in the bookShow MoreRelated King Leopolds Ghost Essay2090 Words   |  9 PagesKing Leopolds Ghost King Leopolds Ghost tells a story of the Belgian King Leopold II and his misrule of an African colony, named (at the time) the Congo Free State. It is a wild and unpleasant story of a mans capacity for evil and the peculiar manifestation of it. In telling this story, Hochschild does a wonderful job of giving detailed descriptions, especially of the colorful individuals involved, both good and bad. His analysis of the situation is very solid, starting with the movementRead MoreKing Leopold s Ghost Analysis1128 Words   |  5 PagesKing Leopold’s Ghost Analysis â€Å"The real names of our people were destroyed during slavery. The last name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves, and then the name of the slave master was given, which we refuse; we reject that name today and refuse it. I never acknowledge it whatsoever.† In King Leopold’s Ghost talks about Leopold II ruling over the Belgium Congo territory. He forced the enslaved individuals to do horrific and exhausting tasks, andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book King Leopold s Ghost 1466 Words   |  6 PagesKing Leopold’s Ghost is a nonfiction book about Imperialism in Africa written by Adam Hochschild. Hochschild was born in New York in 1942 and graduated from Harvard in 1963 with a B.A. degree in history and literature (Interview with Adam Hochschild). He worked as a reporter for a daily newspaper for two years and then he went on to writing and editing magazines. In 1986 he wrote his first book, and then twelve years l ater he wrote his second: King Leopold’s Ghost. Hochschild said he writes aboutRead MoreKing Leopold s Ghost By Adam Hochschild1036 Words   |  5 Pagesto surmount their power in many parts of Africa. More specifically, King Leopold’s journey to conquer the Congo and exploit the lucrative rubber/ivory market accurately describes the forced efforts of tyranny. King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild explains the propaganda remunerated by people in favor and opposition of King Leopold’s conquest. It also features the contributions of journalists and writers in relation to Leopold colonizing the Congo through means of propaganda, missionaries, useRead MoreModern Europe : King Leopold s Ghost1254 Words   |  6 PagesBailey Votto Dr. Strobel Modern Europe King Leopold’s Ghost October 23, 2015 Scars He had a prominent nose. No one else in Leopold’s family had this nose, just him. His mother, disgusted by it, thought it made him look deformed. Leopold was an awkward and shy fellow. His brother was lively and popular, his sister was intelligent and charming while all Leopold had been his bad temper, an ugly limp, and his protruding nose. Leopold’s troubles only increased as he aimlessly wandered into his predestinedRead MoreKing Leopolds Ghost Analysis1576 Words   |  7 PagesAdam Hochschild’s â€Å"King Leopold’s Ghost† is an account of a man’s rise of power who was very cruel and did unimaginable things. When I began reading, I wasn’t sure where the novel was going, but I soon caught on to what Hochschild was revealing. As the story begins to unfold he tells a story of King Leopold II of Belgium who managed to seize land next to the Congo River in Africa. King Leopold used political manipulation and lies to get what he wanted. K ing Leopold had everyone fooled that he wasRead MoreKing Leopolds Ghost860 Words   |  4 PagesKing Leopold’s Ghost By Adam Hochschild Question 1 Between 1880 and 1920, the population of the Congo was slashed in half: some ten million people were victims of murder, starvation, exhaustion, exposure, disease, and a plummeting birth rate. Why do you think this massive carnage has remained virtually unknown in the United States and Europe? During all this death there was only a few who would go down into the Congo because of all its dangers. So with hardly anyone already going downRead MoreKing Leopold s Ghost Response Paper1444 Words   |  6 PagesChakravartty 4/16/15 King Leopold’s Ghost Response Paper With an estimated death toll of ten million people, King Leopold’s conquest of the Congo is recognized as one of the bloodiest holocausts in human history. The sheer brutality of this gruesome process triggered the world’s first international human rights movement. However, unlike the holocaust of Jews committed by the Nazi regime in mid-twentieth century Germany, the Belgian extermination of the Congolese has gone largely forgotten. In King Leopold’sRead MoreKing Leopold s Ghost : A Story Of Greed, Terror, And Heroism2325 Words   |  10 Pages King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild explains the lead up to and the establishment of the Congo Free State under Belgium. Hochschild does so through many accounts of the life going on inside the Congo during the exploration of the Africa and the beginning of an established government in the Congo. The death toll during Leopold’s reign could have reached over 10 million before the Belgium government would take the Congo away from the outRead MoreEuropean Imperialism Created a Rift with the World886 Words   |  4 Pagesthe favors they were giving. European nations saw themselves fit to divide the uncivilized world, almost in a pie like manner, to be placed under their reign. With this came many mistreatments of indigenous traditions and the people themselves. King Leopold the Second’s imperialistic claim on the Congo, and the European attempts at controlling China both exemplify the disaster of Imperialism on the human condition, and the resistance created by the people. Both Africa and Qing China saw itself under

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Historical Development of Police Agencies Essay - 866 Words

Running head: Law Enforcement Law Enforcement December 12, 2011 Introduction The criminal justice system has many components that make up its system. This paper will explore the historical development of police agencies and their jurisdiction, while analyzing their roles in contemporary society. It will describe the main types of law enforcement agencies, including local, state, and federal agencies and their components. Historical Development of Police Agencies Historically, policing in America mimicked that of the English. American ideas expanded on the English way of policing, to start an era of ever evolving police agencies. In the†¦show more content†¦Law Enforcement Agencies Law enforcement in the United States is one of three major components of the criminal justice system of the United States, along with courts and corrections (Schmalleger, 2009). Although there is an inherent interrelatedness between the different groups that make up the criminal justice system based on their crime deterrence purpose, each component operates ind ependently from one another (Schmalleger, 2009). For example, the judiciary is vested with the power to make legal determinations regarding the conduct of the other two components (Schmalleger, 2009). Apart from maintaining order and service functions, the purpose of policing is the investigation of suspected criminal activity and the referral of the results of investigations and of suspected criminals to the courts (Schmalleger, 2009). Law enforcement has varying degrees at different levels of government and in different agencies is also commonly charged with the responsibilities of deterring criminal activity and of preventing the successful commission of crimes in progress; the service and enforcement of warrants, writs and other orders of the courts (Schmalleger, 2009). In addition, law enforcement agencies are also involved in providing first response to emergencies and other threats toShow MoreRelatedHistorical Development of Police Agencies Essay1536 Words   |  7 PagesH istorical Development of Police Agencies CJA/204 August 8, 2011 Abstract Historically, policing in America mimicked that of the English. American ideas expanded on the English way of policing, to start an era of ever evolving police agencies. In the beginning policing was considered the civic duty of members of a community. These â€Å"drafted† officers were not paid or trained. Appointed Sheriff’s were motivated by money, and lost focus on enforcing the law. Policing was considered reactiveRead MoreLaw Enforcement History: Historical Development of Police Agencies and Their Jurisdictions1017 Words   |  4 PagesThe Historical Development of Police Agencies and Their Jurisdictions: An Analysis Man is cruel and competitive. For these reasons, man often times wrongs others in society. And for this reason, it is necessary to have a law enforcement agency, whether local, state-based, or federal. In the absence of the rule of law, society would not be able to function, and man must make a pact that, in order to live and be protected within society, he must obey these laws. Police agencies often times serveRead MoreDiscussion Question Criminal Justice Essay612 Words   |  3 PagesMandatory: What is probable cause? How does probable cause affect the actions of police? How well do police officers meet the criteria of probable cause before taking action with regard to a criminal activity? Probable cause is a standard that all law enforcement officers abide by when searching for evidence on a person or their property to get a warrant and make an arrest. Probable cause affects the actions of police because if they do not follow these guidelines they can be reprimanded and theRead MoreHistory of Police Essay1254 Words   |  6 PagesHistory of Police History of Police The role of police officers is very significant to American history. Police work toward protecting citizens’ rights and helping America become the land of the free. The United States of America is built from the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights and police play a major role in making sure American rights are met. Evolution has changed many of American history for the better; policing is part of those changes. As new issues in society arise, police must changeRead MorePolice Jurisdiction Essay797 Words   |  4 PagesHistory of Police Agencies and their Jurisdictions Chelsea Peterson CJA/240 December 10, 2011 Professor Konopasek History of Police Agencies and their Jurisdictions The development of police agencies can be followed back to the Early English colonial days. As time continued, so did the improvements of the police agencies of law enforcement today. The first police department was established in 1731 was theRead MoreThe Goal Of Cultural Studies Scholars, Per Stuart Hall,1082 Words   |  5 Pagesof view of the media, the law, the police, etc., and spans across the disciplines of political science, sociology, and psychology, etc. Thus, it is difficult to place a label on Policing the Crisis; it cannot be defined as â€Å"this† or â€Å"that†. Much like Cultural Studies itself, Policing the Crisis is too varied, too broad, to say what it is or what is not (â€Å"The Last Interview†). Conjunctural Analysis A â€Å"conjuncture† is simply a combination of two or more historical events. Thus, an analysis of conjuncturesRead MoreCultural And Managerial Issues That Plague The Virtual Police Department1081 Words   |  5 Pagesof this paper is to identify the historical, cultural and managerial issues that plague the Virtual Police Department. This paper is to identify the issues and to come up with possible solution for the department. This paper will show four problem and solution from professional development and training, leadership and management, personnel administration and operations. I will show crime statics, trends and patterns of the crimes that have been reported to the police. It will show where the policingRead MorePolice and National Crime Information1595 Words   |  7 Pagesand 1930 in which police had close ties with politicians, and there was an emphasis on making politicians happy. The reform era was from 1930-1970 it began the professional crime fighting, and police focused more on arrests. The community problem-solving era started 1970- to current, it started a partnership between police and communities. 3. Describe August Vollmer s contributions to policing. August Vollmer introduced several innovative achievements in the area of police professionalism suchRead MoreA Unified Accountability System For All Law Enforcement Essay1685 Words   |  7 PagesTitle: A Unified Accountability System for All Law Enforcement Topic: Police Accountability Specific Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of centralized procedures directed by the DOJ, which ensures every law enforcement agency and police officer have the same process for action accountability, and how the procedures will foster lawfulness and legitimacy within the community. I. Introduction A. Accountability in law enforcement is an element that is vital toRead MoreThe Evolution Of Law Enforcement Essay1279 Words   |  6 Pagesand social control were the major responsibility of that group. In that time, people requested the eldest and strongest males of the tribes to take part in the first security force of community for survival (Rainer and Librett 1089). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission Free Essays

This proposal provides insights on the challenges that the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, the agency that assists in the administration of policies and programs that enable students learning in the United States (US) to meet their needs pertaining to education and culture, and mediates between educational institutions in the US and the other branches based in Saudi as well as the predicament that Saudi students studying in the US under the Saudi government’s sponsorship are facing, which the researcher deems to be primarily. A consequence of the agency’s failure to provide adequate solutions and the resulting students’ powerlessness to raise their concerns to appropriate authorities. An intensive literature review on materials that reflect the interdependence of the Arabian cultural mission and the Saudi students it serves in the United States was conducted to gather pertinent information for this study. We will write a custom essay sample on Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission or any similar topic only for you Order Now Information gathered revealed that the major concerns of the students namely: 1) inadequacy in language proficiency due to inappropriate language education curriculum; 2) cultural discrimination resulting to isolation and formation of cliques; 3) delay in defraying school fees resulting to a number of late registration and, in austere cases, to students having to drop off from school; 4) the agency’s reluctance in assisting students to acquire relevant immigration documents; and 5) the existing inappropriate matching system that determines students’ eligibility to be accepted to certain courses they intend to apply for are primarily caused by the agency’s current programs’ inadequacy to respond to the needs of their clientele. Recommendations presented propose reasonable modifications to the existing practices carried on by the agency which if ever adopted are deemed to improve the current state of interdependency between the cultural mission and the Saudi students studying under the government sponsorship in the United States. How to cite Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ethical Conduct for Financial Management-

Question: Discuss about theEthical Conduct for Financial Management. Answer: Analyzing the Comprehensiveness of Organizational Ethical Code The Code of Ethics of Eli Lilly and Company for financial leaders has stated the ethical principles that they should follow for carrying out their roles and responsibilities. As per the international code of ethics, there are five fundamental principles that the financial leaders need to comply as follows: Integrity: The financial leaders must carry out their roles in an honest manner for developing the professional relationships Objectivity: The decisions taken by the financial leaders should be unbiased without having any influence of outside parties Professional Competency: The financial leaders must posses required skills set and competencies for ensuring that the clients receive competent professional services. The professional competency is required so that financial leaders carry out their responsibilities in due diligence and as per the technical and professional standards (International federation of Accountants, 2017). Confidentiality: The financial leaders also hold the responsibility of protecting the confidential information of their entity so that it cannot be accessed by outside parties for unethical purposes. Professional Behavior: The financial leaders should comply with the required laws and regulations for carrying out their roles as per the professional standards (McMillan, 2012). Thus, as per this standard code of ethics, the Eli Lilly and company financial management code can be regarded to be comprehensive. The code of ethics of the company has stated that the financial leaders should act with integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and competency and as per the standard professional behavior. The code of ethics of the company has advocated that it is dedicated to achieve highest standards of corporate conduct that are based on its core values and ethical principles. The Red Book Code of Business Conduct has determined the ethical framework that the company follows for carrying out its business activities . However, the code of ethics of financial management of the company lacks the consequences that the financial managers will face for breach of this code of conduct. The actions that the company will take over the disciplinary matter arising due to violation of the above code are not provided in the company code of ethics. Also, the code of conduct does n ot state the procedures to be followed while taking decisions in the situations relating to ethical dilemma (International federation of Accountants, 2017). The ethical principles undertaken by the company for maintaining the privacy of employees faced with violations charges is also indicated in the ethical standards. Also, the ethical code followed by the company for maintaining the confidentiality of employees reporting the possible violations is also not stated in its mentioned code of ethics. The company should also develop ethical codes that promote open communication and interaction between all its financial managers and leaders about any ethical issues for ensuring the successful adoption of ethical standards (International federation of Accountants, 2017). This is necessary for enhancing co-operation between all the financial leaders of the company so that they act in due diligence. In addition to this, there are some ethical codes of the company that needs clarification such as specifying the respective legal rules and laws within which the financial leaders of the company works and carry out their roles (Eli Lily and Company, 2014). Comparison of Eli and Lily Company Ethical Code with Other Organization Code Similar to the code of ethics for financial management of Eli and Lily Company, the Starbucks Coffee Company has also stated its code of ethics for the financial leaders. There are many similarities and differences in the code of ethics of both the companies. The similarities are advocating the use of honesty and integrity in carrying out the roles and responsibilities is mentioned in both companies codes. Both the companies have regarded the compliance of their financial leaders with the governmental laws and rules in carrying out their job responsibilities. Also, the financial leaders of both the companies comply with the ethical code of providing fair, accurate and understandable information as per the objectivity fundamental principle of ethical accounting practices (Eli Lily and Company, 2014). The financial leaders of both the companies have undertaken the obligations of protecting the confidentiality of information they posses for carrying out their work duties. Also, they hav e undertaken the obligations to promote the ethical behavior in the work environment for developing an internal control over the internal business processes and activities. The financial leaders of both the companies also seek to carry out their work responsibilities with utmost care, competence, diligence to avoid any mis-representation of material facts and figures in order to protect the stakeholder interests (Code of Ethics for CEO, COO, CFO and Finance Leaders, 2017). There also some differences identified in the ethical code for financial management of both the companies. The differences are Starbucks code has not stated the ethical codes for reporting the fraudulent activities. Also, like Lillys code of business conduct stated in The Red Book, the Starbucks standards of business conducts are reported in its annual reports. The noted differences exist as per the nature of business operations of both the companies and thus they have developed and implemented the ethical codes that help them to improve their quality of their respective business procedures (Code of Ethics for CEO, COO, CFO and Finance Leaders, 2017). Thus, it can be said after examining the code of ethics of Eli and Lily Company that development and implementation of effective financial code of ethics is necessary for every business entity. This is because the code of ethics implementation will ensure that all the financial business actions are taken as per the ethical principles th at help in promoting the transparency of business operations among the stakeholders. The compliance with the ethical codes will help in protecting the interests of all the stakeholders and thus helps in maximization of their value. This in turn will lead to strengthening of goodwill of the company across the world and thus helping it to improve its productivity and profitability (International federation of Accountants, 2017). References Code of Ethics for CEO, COO, CFO and Finance Leaders. 2017. Retrieved 25 October, 2017, from: [Accessed on: 25 October 2017]. Eli Lily and Company. 2014. Code of ethical conduct for financial management. Retrieved 25 October, 2017, from: International federation of Accountants. 2017. Retrieved 25 October, 2017, from: McMillan, M. 2012. Codes of Ethics: If You Adopt One, Will They Behave? Retrieved 25 October, 2017, from:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

PhD Programmes and Distance Learning

In today's contemporary ultra-competitive job market, it should come as little surprise that an increasing amount of adults are choosing to undertake a PhD to enhance the job prospects. The opportunities available to undergraduates are far greater than even a decade ago. The advances in technological innovation have lead to an influx of online undergraduate PhD programmes being undertaken. This trend is reflective of our contemporary society. Many of us balance work and home commitments. Online learning is one of the most effective ways to better our education without committing to, potentially, years without an income. Online undergraduate programmes allow students to download and upload coursework and have access to professors, without being confined to a classroom structure week after week. A large percentage of universities hold accredited statuses for a wealth of online courses. This basically means that the PhD that you obtain via distance learning is just as valued as PhD's that entail programmes of study on-site. This flexible option appeals to a wealth of people. From those with small children to look after to people that work on a full-time basis, yet yearn for better career prospects. The Benefits of Distance Online Learning are further outlined below: Classes can be attended anywhere. You don't need to routinely come to a university campus. Learning can be achieved anywhere, providing that you have access to the internet. Studying at home, at work, or anywhere with computer access is open to anyone. Online courses are designed for student-centric learning. You decide the manner in which you'd like to learn. Each of the courses and study materials are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This offers a level of flexibility that simply is afforded by those that chose to study on campus. There is access to take part in group discussions and debates online. Students needn't worry that the independent nature of their learning is completely independent. Interaction is a large part of the syllabus. The ability to learn in this manner hones vital skills that are essential for the workplace – the most obvious being knowledge and experience of computer software. Distance online learning affords you unrestricted use of the internet, and hones students' skills using this resource searching for necessary information. There are a number of benefits to electing to undertake an online distance learning course. If you haven't considered the merits of such learning before, yet are intent on getting your PhD then why not consider this of study.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Using Spanish Gerunds Without an Auxiliary Verb

Using Spanish Gerunds Without an Auxiliary Verb Although the Spanish verbal present participle or gerund - that is, the form of the verb that ends in -ando or -iendo - is most commonly used with estar and a few other verbs to form what are known as the progressive verb forms, it can also be used by itself (without an auxiliary verb) to indicate that something is being done or occurring while something else is occurring. In most such cases, the present participle can still be translated using the English -ing form of the verb. There are several ways in which sentences using the gerund can be translated or thought of in English. One common way is for it to be used as the equivalent of the English while followed by an -ing verb: Here are some examples: Llorà © escuchando tu voz. I cried while listening to your voice. Ganaron cinco partidos, perdiendo trece. They won five matches while losing 13.  ¿Soy la à ºnica en este planeta que se durmià ³ viendo El silencio de los inocentes? Am I the only person on this planet who fell asleep while watching The Silence of the Lambs? Los participantes comenzaron el estudio comiendo una dieta americana. The participants began the study while eating an American diet. Note that in most of the above English translations, the word while can be omitted with little or no change in meaning. In some cases (including some of the above examples, depending on how theyre interpreted), the gerund is used much like an adverb to describe how the action of the main verb is carried out: Mi amiga salià ³ corriendo. My friend left running. Finalmente se fue sonriendo. Finally he went away laughing. Sà ³lo compraron Nescafà ©, ignorando el resto de las marcas. They only bought Nescafà ©, ignoring the other brands. When the gerund is used to describe how something is done, it can often be translated using the English preposition by: Usted puede darles el mejor comienzo a sus bebà ©s teniendo un buen cuidado de usted. You can give your babies the best beginning by taking good care of yourself. Podemos ahorrar tiempo usando la bicicleta. We can save time by using the bicycle. Estudiando mucho, tendremos à ©xito. By studying hard, we will be successful. Often, in the English translation, the word by can be omitted with little or no change in meaning, as in the second example above. Note that while it is sometimes done in imitation of English, as in news headlines, it is not standard Spanish to use the gerund to affect the meaning of a noun. You would not use fumando, for example, to talk about the smoking man. Normally, youd use phrase such as el hombre que fuma. In effect, the Spanish gerund fulfills the function of an adverb, while the English gerund can take the role of an adjective.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cutural psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cutural psychology - Essay Example All countries have not arrived at the same compromises in these respects, but global consensus is a pressing need. Variations in culture can distinguish nations from each other (Heine). The theocratic countries of the Middle East stand out in sharp contrast, with a dominant cultural form all of their own. It is not language, dress, and customs, which define culture entirely: the overwhelming predominance of one faith puts its own stamp on how people behave and interact with each other. The Hindu Kingdom of Nepal and the Vatican are other examples of cultural uniformity through faith within territorial boundaries, though they are marginal in the political equations between countries. There is little room for variations and minority expressions in such societies, for the pressures to conform are irresistible. People tend to be conservative, and much importance is attached to observing customs in the ways of ancestors. Individual rights recede in to the background, and faith is used to suppress even relatively minor dissent. There are strong moral undertones to regimentation in such countries. It would be unfair to blame organized religion for putting culture in straight jackets. Totalitarian states have the same effect, and even put religion down with heavy hands in order to establish the unitary authority of governance and ideology. Petty dictators and monarchs tend to strike some kind of understanding with religious authorities, but political establishments are not inclined to share power. The extent to which such bigotry was practiced by the erstwhile Soviet Union is not visible in the China of the 21st century, but the primacy of the State is essentially a Communist phenomenon. People with liberal minds may rejoice at the modern culture of Europe and the United States, given that individual freedom has such priority in these