Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Brief Note On The European Education System - 2261 Words

In Europe the education department are constantly trying to improve and they therefore create new policies that all Member States are expected to implement to insure we are providing efficient, skilled and independent work force to help boost our economy. However many different countries within the EU have different types of education systems which causes issues in the end of year education stats as there is a variety, this therefore is an issue that Europe is working on. Even though many European countries are ranked within the top 20 it is vital that all countries follow the policies and maintain a high quality education system. In Europe there is an ongoing issue within the economy and therefore this has the domino effect on unemployment in young people. Therefore policies are being created such as increasing the link between the world of work and education to ensure young people are learning skills that will allow them to gain jobs. In this essay I will research current European education highlighting the different issues, reforms, trends and education standards. I will then compare two European countries education systems to highlight the different issues and positives that surround the country. By the end some understanding of whether the ability to learn abroad through programmes such as Erasmus can actually happen. In relevance with education funding the future of the nation state is important, the balance of public spending by the government during economicShow MoreRelatedA Small Place By Jamaica Kincaid1266 Words   |  6 Pagesproduct of colonialism. Most western education does not teach the full context of colonialism. The extension of students’ knowledge is the Berlin conference of 1884, which divided African territory between Europeans and US leaders without the inclusion of Africans. The education in the West does not delve into the impact of the conference after colonialism. 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