Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analyzing The Market Strategy Of Dove Australia †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Analyzing Market Strategy Of Dove Australia. Answer: Introduction: The report inculcates discussion regarding Dove and its varying products. The aim of the report is to analyze the market of a dove and what entrepreneurial have been undertaken by the company to promote its product and what further measure will it take to ensure the expansion in the market and establish a brand name and brand image. With the help of positive motivation consumer base as well as customer loyalty gets increased. Within the report background history of Dove is described along with the vision it carries. The focus was on its promotional activity as well because it uses old strategy in a new way. Its the tendency of Dove to portray the product with the help of normal and real li9fe ladies instead of models who carries makeup and depict the outer beauty. The motive of Dove is to concentrate on the inner beauty of the women and make them believe in themselves. The product chose the live testing and true view points of the consumer. This reflects positivity and delivers the healthy message of being confident and feels beautiful and flawless as the color is not the matter of beauty. The target market has been discussed focusing on the particular segments. Though Dove is for men and women more emphasis is paid to the women only to develop the self-esteem. Thereafter the market strategies have been used which discussed the market penetration, market development, program development, and diversificati on. The present scenario has been elucidated along with future policies and how these strategies will be used to rejuvenate the future. New techniques and pattern of advertisements could be selected to refresh the mind of the consumer but keeping up the similar promise that contributes to building strong B to C relationship. In nutshell, the past, present, and future of Dove have been investigated by expanding the area of beauty care and following the same motive in a different manner enhancing the target market and upgrading the strategies to earn both the profit and the values simultaneously. Company background and Product description; About Dove Dove is one of the leading brands in the world in terms of cosmetics. Whenever the discussion of soaps will continue the Dove beauty bar will always acquire a good place in the discussion. Dove could be stated as a one-word definition for soaps. Gradually and slowly it gained the fame and now numerous products of Dove are ruling the cosmetic market like a king because it does not promote fake promises and shows the reality which attracts the consumer and it has built up the goodwill which proves to be the synonym of quality. It never uses models for presenting its advertisement. The company chooses real world random ladies in its advertisement and this is the unique points of the company and the product (Maple holistic, 2016). Dove was originated for the first time in the year 1957. From the day one, the focus of product was in personal care. It was introduced by Lever Brother focusing on the softness and natural care on the skin. The company has made it a point not to use the chemical products which adversely affect the skin rather it uses the moisturizers and real ingredients that do not harm the skin and is soothing for the body care. It provides the radiant effect to the skin making it creamy, soft and blushing. The shape of Dove is also uniquely curved and packaging is simply done with the iconic logo of Dove bird. The name and logo compliment each other and go perfectly with the qualities of the product. As the bird dove is soft, elegant and quite similarly the Dove soap is generous and simple on the skin of consumers and symbolizes the purity. It gained the fame very early because of its purity and innovativeness (Dove, 2017). The promotional campaign of Dove was also unique. In the year 1950, it launched an ad in which it was shown that the cream is been poured in the soap bar which signifies a number of moisturizers that the soap contains. Also, it took the promotional activity to the new hike by introducing the Dove face test. In this test, the ladies were invited and they were made to take the face challenge where the half portion of the face was washed up by dove and experience of them is been noted down. The results were that Dove portion was smooth and flawless whereas the other non-dove side was comparatively rough and dry. Such ads connect the people to reality and they tend to believe in it (Bhasin, 2016). In the year 1960 Dove entered the international market and brought about the new evolution. It was the time when feminism was at its top and for the first time, Dove used the tagline Real-women supporting the ambition of women and believing in them thereby building up the self-confidence. It designed and innovate various products in the field personal care and inaugurated more skin care products for dry skin, moisturizers, and other related products. The revolution took place in the 1980s when Dove came up with the hair care products introducing shampoos and conditioners for dry, rough, dull and oily hair. Also, it introduced the hair oil followed by numerous other bath products in order to lead the market in the cosmetic area thus becoming the leader and setting up trends in bath products along with establishing dominance in soap area. Along with providing the best product to ladies, it comes up with the message of women empowerment. It motivates ladies and brings out the class they carry. Beyond the Real- Women Dove launched the new tagline making women believe in their strong energies and making them realize that they are not less than anyone. The new tagline launched by Dove in 1980 was I am a woman, hear me roar and A womans place, we all know is wherever she wants it to be. In 1990s Dove spread out its product in around 80 countries all over the world and made expansion to establish its space in those countries. Slowly and gradually it came up with Dove shampoos, oil, and deodorants. And, finally, in 2000 it has successfully created its own Dove era by introducing the product line in the different area of bath and beauty items. Even it has now stepped in baby cares as well introducing baby oil, baby shampoo and baby lotions (Johnston Taylor, 2008). Vision of Dove The vision that Dove carries is to enhance the flow of beauty and confidence of a person. There is no definition to be beautiful. Beauty lies within the person and Dove concentrates on that particular beauty. The idea is to build up a positive relationship between women and their looks. This would assist to develop the self-esteem and emerge out with full potential carrying the impressive zeal and ambitions Dove make the women love themselves in whatever face they carry and in what so figure they have, just believe in oneself and glow from inside to shine outside (Dove, 2017). Target market The target market is the segment of people whose needs and desires match the attributes of products and the niche market is been focussed to grow the business and fulfilling the mission to reach close for the accomplishment of vision. It aims at the particular section and gradually grows the area by adopting themarketing policies and accomplishing the 7Ps of the market which goes like this: product, price, place, and promotion (Ward, 2017). First of all segmenting that place in which the ignored section of the market is concentrated by the entrepreneurs by researching and making studies over it and finding out the consumer base. Thereafter that segment which was selected in segmenting is targeted and promotional activities get started to grab the attention of the consumer and making offers and announcing schemes to bring the product in the habit of customers. This helps in fulfilling the third feature ofmarketing strategy i.e., positioning. Positioning is the brand image that is crea ted by the customers. Brand image is something that the customer perceives about the product. It is the image that automatically gets created in the mind of customers when and where they hear the name of the particular product and how they make comparisons and derive relativity (Littlefield, 2015). The brand image is the goodwill of the product in the market which is the final step that every business and its owner ever demand. For building up the brand image ethical deeds is need to be implemented. Customers get attracted to that product and services which fulfill the promises and not just promote fakeness which at last results in consumer disappointment (Custom writing tips, 2012). The target market of the dove is all those women who believe in natural beauty. The ladies who possess the knowledge of nature and beauty care things and what is highly effective to which type of skin care. The pocket friendliness is also an important factor to be considered while targeting the market. Segmentation of this product is based on the features of the product, buyers choice and behavior related to the purchase of the product. For selecting the target market segmentation is been made and for this deep study by the way of research is to be undertaken in order to understand the market aspect and moving a step forward to establish a position in the market (Pitman, 2017). Marketing Strategies The motive of Dove is to provide people with the natural care and trustworthy product. It provides services to the huge business as well as to the small enterprises to increase the consumer base and thereby enhancing the loyalty of consumers (Sipany, 2014). Certain strategies adopted by Dove are as under: Market penetration: In market penetration, Dove came up with the strategy to launch the new product through sampling. This will help the product to penetrate the market and increasing the belongingness among the consumers. The advertisement criteria are always changed to introduce the new pattern attached with new attractiveness (Kasi, n.d.). Market development: The concept of Dove is to build and retain the trust within the customers. The main of the product is to focus on the real beauty and develop the confidence of consumers. The development of market takes place when the awareness among the consumers is there in the context of the new launch and they are informed about the product and its benefits on the skin. The additional content is always demanded by the consumers and satisfaction is derived when those demands are accomplished. For the concern of such development, Dove undertook the campaign to promote the product by establishing the demonstration at different outlets of it. Program development: For encouraging the products sale and services there is an immense need to spread awareness among the consumers. In order to expand the business market research has to be conducted and needs of consumers should be studied. On analyzing, interpreting and evaluating the market it was cultivated that knowledge regarding the product should be furnished to the consumers so that they are aware of the directions to use the product. The product like Dove is harmless and suitable for all skin type as it uses the natural elements and chemical free moisturizers; these are the attributes that almost women desire for their skin care. With this study, the company decides new ways to launch the advertisement and bring out new promotional concepts in the market. Diversification: In order to expand the business and implement diversification in the product line of beauty care, soap and shampoos Dove were at the idea to follow the old strategy. The strategy was to launch the different products for divergent product lines which should suit all the people with distinct skin types and tone. The motive of Dove is moving ahead by taking along all the consumers without creating discrimination. Dove is the product used in different countries by divergent people and gaining satisfaction and increasing customer loyalty by delivering the personal touch (Flagg, 2013). Conclusion Therefore, it could be cultivated from the above report that Dove is the versatile product meant for women and men. Though the focus on the women is more because they are more conscious about the skin care and looks. Comparisons upon the looks are common in this era and in such a competition people have forgotten where the real beauty actually lies. Thus, Dove came up into the market in 1995 and is highly accepted because of its originality. The criteria used by Dove to promote the advertisement are unique as well. It does not ever depict the model to promote the product they always take the challenges and appoint the real world women and make them face the dove face test and note down their views over the experiments. Initially, Dove started with soap but now it follows a huge product line and has become one of the largest selling products of Lever. The strategy adopted by Dove to establish in the market is market penetration, market development, program development, and diversifica tion. The company uses various methods to launch a new advertisement using distinct methods and lively advertisement as well. References Bhasin. H. B., 2016, Marketing mix of Dove, viewed on 4th September 2017, https://www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-dove/. Custom writing tips, 2012, Market analysis for Dove, Australia, viewed on 3rd September 2017, https://www.dove.com/au/stories/campaigns/60-years-of-realbeauty.html. Dove, 2017, 60years of #real beauty, viewed on 2nd September 2017, https://www.dove.com/au/stories/campaigns/60-years-of-realbeauty.html. Dove, 2017, Our vision, viewed on 4th September 2017, https://www.dove.com/in/stories/about-dove/our-vision.html. Flagg. J., 2013, What we can learn from Doves marketing strategies, viewed on 4th September 2017, https://www.mechtron.com/blog/what-we-can-learn-from-doves-marketing-strategies/. Johnston, J. and Taylor, J., 2008. Feminist consumerism and fat activists: A comparative study of grassroots activism and the Dove real beauty campaign,Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, vol.33, no. 4, pp. 941-966. Kasi, n.d., Marketing Plan of Dove, viewed on 4th September 2017, https://marketingmixx.com/marketing-plan-2/181-marketing-plan-of-dove.html. Littlefield. G., 2015, How Dove uses Data to make customers feel beautiful, viewed on 3rd September, https://www.targetmarketingmag.com/article/dove-uses-data-make-customers-feel-beautiful/all/. Maple Holistic, 2017, Dove company history and review: real beauty, real soap! Viewed on 3rd September 2017, https://www.mapleholistics.com/blog/dove-company-history-and-review-real-beauty-real-soap/#doc1. Pitman. S., 2017, Dove targets older women, viewed on 4th September 2017, https://www.cosmeticsdesign.com/Market-Trends/Dove-targets-older-women. Sipany. 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